About Search Engine Placement Services

As search engines are run by 3rd parties, there is no real way to guarantee top placement in search results. Why? Simply because of the lack of control when your website is indexed / not indexed / accidentally removed / or result criteria are changed. You can always PAY for placement directly to the search engines. This can be done for a few hundred to thousands of dollars per month depending on the engine involved. Because we program our own search engine, The Worldwide Composites Search Engine, we do have unique knowledge on the functioning of these sites and can, in many instances, design and program your website to take advantage of our knowledge. We always tell our clients to avoid the 'guaranteed placement service' companies. [You know, the ones that show up via SPAM or a phone call... ] One, because they can't guarantee placement, Two, our managed service approach includes these services and Three, some of the techniques used by these firms can actually have you removed from search engines ( making multiple to hundreds of home pages and dummy flow through pages, for example i.e. search engine spamming! ).